There is a good range of accommodation in Ullapool but it is always in short supply during the summer so we strongly recommend booking as soon as we have confirmed your place on Variations.
Many players get together to rent self-catering accommodation for the week but this too should be booked well in advance of the course. Most Ullapool accommodation can be found through an Internet search and the tourist office will always be pleased to advise you:
The Ceilidh Place is the social hub for the week.
Inimitable Jean Urquhart’s place which more than any other in the Highlands, encapsulates Scotland’s traditional culture and interprets it in a contemporary manner –Scotland the Best
It began in 1970 as an old Ullapool boatshed where Robert and Jean Urquhart served modest refreshments accompanied by generous helpings of entertainment in the form of concerts, exhibitions, plays and poetry and conversation. Since then, the Ceilidh Place has grown into a sophisticated hotel with individual, cosy bedrooms. Additionally, there are ‘club rooms’ – more modest but perfectly comfortable, just across the road.
In summer, the coffee shop serves meals all day long and there is an outdoor terrace for when the sun is shining. The restaurant specialises in vegetarian cuisine and local seafood and the bar has a fine selection of malt whiskies and wines.
The Ceilidh Place offers Variations participants (and their partners) specially reduced rates so remember to quote ‘Variations‘ when making your booking.
Contact: The Ceilidh Place Tel: 01854 612103 Email: Website: